Pesto Chicken Soup

While we are starting to feel some warmer temperatures, we aren’t out of winter yet.  I mean, c’mon, the lows are in the 40s – it’s still soup weather in our home!

This is a super easy recipe that I found on Gimme Some Oven’s site and is well loved by my family.  Even if you are heading to northern Arizona for a weekend of sledding, this meal is the perfect way to warm up after your day in the snow.  Enjoy!

Pesto Chicken Soup | The Bubbly Hostess

Pesto Chicken Soup
Serves 4
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  1. 4 cups chicken stock
  2. 3 cups fresh spinach
  3. 2 cups shredded chicken
  4. 2 (14 oz.) cans cannellini beans, drained
  5. 1/3 cup pesto (homemade or store bought)
  6. Grated Parmesan cheese to garnish (optional)
  1. Stir together chicken stock, spinach, chicken, and beans in a medium saucepan. Cook over high heat until the soup reaches a simmer. Then reduce the heat to medium, stir in the pesto, and let the soup continue to simmer for 2 minutes.
  2. Serve warm, topped with Parmesan cheese if desired.
Adapted from Gimme Some Oven
Adapted from Gimme Some Oven
The Bubbly Hostess
(Visited 233 times, 1 visits today)

Comments (2)

  • I read your review of Childsplay’s Pero… The Mysteries of the Night. I agree with most of your review, but my 6 1/2- and 9-year old grandsons had a slightly different response to the preview performance. Both are very wiggly boys and our favorite vantage point is the back row in the balcony…you can see everything from there, including the stage technicians. And, one can wriggle & squirm and not annoy anyone.
    The elder, whose focus is always a challenge, said he did not like the play. The younger, who wants to do everything the elder does, spoke up and said, “Well, I kinda liked it.”. Even when parts of the play were a little too slow, even for me, nothing was lost on these two boys. Events, even days or weeks later, harken back to a Childsplay and TCA experience. The younger grandson has always had an attentive ear for good music (something I try to add to our experiences). The Sun (especially!) and Moon characters are superbly trained and talented musicians. I think that is what the younger liked more than the (complicated) story. The story is simple, but quite sophisticated and is enjoyed differently depending on maturity.
    The elder grandson’s first play was Junie B and Jingle Bells Smells. He was only 3 and vividly remembers the actress who played Junie B (Kate?). I point her out to him at subsequent plays and he looks for her. She was fantastic in Pero! The younger’s first play was Click Clack Moo: Cows That Type, when he was 3. His first reaction during the performance was to nudge me and exclaim that “Chickens don’t dance!”
    Keep taking your boys to Childsplay. It’s a creative, molding experience a world away from today’s digital and sports (and hunting, in my grandsons’ case) childhood experiences. (Following the Click Clack Moo play, I pulled my high school gradustion present out of cobwebs. It’s a Smith-Corona portable typewriter and the boys couldn’t wait to try it, jamming the gummy, dirty keys all at once. I should have it cleaned so it will click clack properly).
    I am glad you are a parent reviewer for Childsplay. Ibwill look for the next ones. Thank you for the inspiration to write again: I now have another story for my memoirs by responding to your review. ;-). Grandmother Mimi

    • Grandmother Mimi – thank you so much for sharing your feedback! Loved reading your story!


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