S’mores Ice Cream

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We have a cabin in the Pines of Prescott and one of our traditions during our summertime visits is to make homemade ice cream.  During the ride up to the cabin from the Valley, ideas for a new variety are brainstormed until one is determined.

Don’t be too impressed by all of this just yet…we typically make a vanilla ice cream and then agree upon what ingredients we should churn in to add the unique flavor for that visit.

During our current visit, we decided on S’mores Ice Cream – if that doesn’t scream a summer visit to a cabin in the Pines, I don’t know what does!

Sure, there are store bought versions of S’mores Ice Cream, but it is certainly a treat to make it right at home.  We have owned a Cuisinart Ice Cream maker for quite some time…I may even venture to say it was possibly a wedding gift…but not 100% on that one.  I do know we have had it for a while!  You will need an ice cream maker for this one – ours is a 1 ½ quart maker and is very straightforward.  It has a freezer bowl, a mixing paddle, and an on/off switch.

I follow the Simple Vanilla Ice Cream recipe straight off of the Cuisinart site and at the end of the “freezing period”, I add in the extras to combine.  We typically let the bowl of deliciousness freeze for another couple of hours before enjoying, but you can eat “soft serve” as well once it is done mixing.


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