DIY Burlap Wreath

A good friend of mine recently created an adorable burlap wreath and when I saw the photo, I asked her how she made it.  She said she was “just sort of winging it” – I was so impressed!  And honestly, sometimes those types of projects end of being the best! 

I have been busy in other areas of my life and was thrilled when she offered to provide pictures and step by step directions on how to create this wreath yourself so that I could use it as a blog post. 

For me, DIY crafts don’t happen for me very often.  You may remember the Wine Cork Christmas Tree I made last year, pretty sure I haven’t crafted anything since!  Sadly, I even cringe a little when my older one brings home assignments from school where he has to “craft” something.  I am SO fortunate to have a very talented hubby who can make just about anything……out of just about anything! 

Below you will find the step by step instructions along with photos on how to make your own burlap wreath.  She even added a personal touch by adding a banner across the middle – you could certainly make this read whatever you’d like!

Thanks Christina Enriquez for sharing this with us!

All supplies were purchased at Michaels. One 10 yard spool of 6″ wide burlap & one 15″ wire wreath. And a little hot glue (along with a hot glue gun if you do not already have one).

Getting Started:
Wrap the burlap around the outside ring of the wreath frame. Use hot glue to attach the burlap to itself and the wire frame.

First Loop:
Now just pull burlap up through wreath frame.

Loop Two:
Repeat through middle opening and then through inner most frame opening.

Second Row:
Once your first set or three loops is complete, repeat while not twisting ribbon on the bottom side. Twisting and bunching on the back side of the frame will take more burlap and you may not have enough to complete wreath with one roll of burlap.  You don’t want too much material on the backside (that won’t be seen) and it won’t hang as flat.  Now you repeat looping the burlap through the second and third rows. Each section of the frame should take 6 loops.

Making loops the same size give the wreath a more uniform look at the end.

When you come to the end of your wreath you may have excuse burlap. Cut the excuse and use hot glue to again glue ribbon to wreath frame and to ribbon to self.

Back of finished wreath:
When you are done the back of your wreath will have a braided look. The “braid” keeps the burlap secure.

Finished Wreath:
This is how your finished wreath will look. Now you can add any embellishments you’d like, a store bought or home made ribbon, an initial, pinecones or really anything.

Banner on Wreath option:
You can add a simple saying or banner with wooden letters and bakers twine. Small wooden letters were purchased at Hobby Lobby, along with Modge Podge and glitter. You can paint letter or even leave plain. I added a staple on the back of each letter to tie the bakers twine to then simply tied the twine to the burlap.

Finished Product:
Along with my “give thanks” banner, I also added pinecones that my son collect during our walks and a ribbon that I already had. The pinecones we’re attached with hot glue and the wire in the ribbon was simply wrapped around the wreath frame.

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  • This is the easiest tutorial I have seen. Have looked at many, and could not get it. Thank you so much.

  • Great to hear! I'm glad you found it helpful! If you are on Facebook or Instagram, feel free to post a picture and tag The Bubbly Hostess – I'd love to see it!


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