The Bestie was at it this week as the birthdays for her three children rolled around once again. A few years ago I shared her cakes in this post as I am continuously impressed by this woman and her patience, talent, and overall ability to “git er done”!
Seven years ago, her twins arrived the day before her older daughter was turning 3….so every year, they celebrate back to back birthdays and she bakes a cake for each one of them. Pretty amazing, right? The very cool thing about our families (besides the fact that she’s the best bestie out there!) is that our kids were born within weeks of each other. Her older daughter was born 5 weeks before my older son and my younger son was born 2 weeks before her twins.
This year she delivered once again, my family and I loved all of them but voted that her son’s Jack Sparrow Pirate Ship cake was our favorite. I’ve shown images of it here with and without the sails.
Her twin daughter opted for a Star Wars: The Force Awakens themed cake – love that girl!
And lastly, her daughter turning 10 is a big softball player – she was even chosen to play on an All Stars team this summer!
As always, her cakes are fantastic – and the fact that she whips three of these out over the course of 1-2 days is pretty amazing! I can’t wait to see what she creates next year!