Basketball Sugar Cookies

My oldest son joined his first team sport this fall and we couldn’t be more excited about it and proud of him!  He has always been a swimmer – and is quite good for his age (if I do say so myself!)  He has been asking about basketball for a couple of years now – but has been a little young to play in any leagues.  This summer, he went to a basketball camp and LOVED it! 

He had his first practice and game over the weekend and had a blast.  I made these basketball cookies for him to celebrate the occasion.  I used a package sugar cookie (you could do this or make your own from scratch) and I followed the same royal icing recipe and decorating instructions from the Brown Eyed Baker that I used for my Power Ranger Samurai Cookies.  I need to work on the steadiness of my hand – but I’m fairly new to cookie decorating! 

My son was so excited when he saw these – and my little one of course too!  He got to enjoy his during the actual game!

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