It’s the third week of Cocktail Month for me over at the Southeast Valley Ledger and I’m here to tell you about a beer that caught my eye the other day. I do enjoy a nice cold bottle of Shock Top Belgian White from time to time – but I saw a seasonal of theirs that peaked my interest. Shock Top’s Lemon Shandy was sitting right there waiting for me to purchase. I was a tad skeptical, so stuck with buying a 6 pack instead of a 12 pack.
After bringing it home and making sure it was perfectly chilled, I thought it would be kinda summery to drink it out of a mason jar with a lemon slice as a garnish.
It is a wheat beer, which I like, with a touch of lemon flavor. It wasn’t bad! The Lemon Shandy was refreshing and smooth to the palate. An enjoyable beer; perfect for summer. Shock Top is owned and operated by Anheuser Busch and offers both year-round and seasonal beers. The Lemon Shandy is decent – I would suggest giving it a taste this summer!